What are the Leading Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents in Florida?

Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reports that more than 34,000 medium and heavy trucks were involved in crashes in the state in 2022. These collisions can happen for a wide range of different reasons. At Pike & Lustig, LLP, we handle all types of truck accident injury claims. It is our mission to help victims and families get justice. Here, our Miami semi-truck accident attorney highlights the leading causes of tractor trailer crashes in Florida.
All truckers must comply with the speed limit. Those who exceed the speed limit put everyone at risk. Following the speed limit is especially important for large trucks because of the increased stopping distance required for heavy vehicles. Speed-related truck crashes are also more likely to result in devastating, even catastrophic injuries.
Trucker Fatigue
Truck drivers need proper rest. Long hours on the road without sufficient rest lead to fatigue among truckers. It is a major safety concern because fatigue can impair a driver’s ability to concentrate and react quickly to dangers. Trucker fatigue is a common cause of accidents in Florida. The FMCSA has Hour of Service (HOS) restrictions in place to reduce the risk of fatigued driving.
Distracted Driving
Even a momentary lapse in attention by a truck driver can contribute to a serious crash. Distracted driving is dangerous driving. Distracted driving reduces a trucker’s ability to notice and respond to changes in traffic and road conditions. Texting and driving is especially dangerous.
Unsafe Lane Changes
Trucks have large blind spots. Very serious accidents can occur when truck drivers change lanes without proper signaling or checking for other vehicles in their blind spots. Trucks making unsafe lane changes can collide with smaller vehicles.
Poor Maintenance
Failure to regularly inspect and maintain key components of a truck, such as brakes, tires, and lights, can lead to mechanical failures while on the road. Poor maintenance is a critical oversight that increases the risk of accidents. Regular inspections and repairs are necessary to ensure truck safety and compliance with road safety standards. A truck company can be held liable for failure to inspect and maintain its fleet of vehicles.
Improper Loading
A fully loaded tractor trailer in Florida can weigh up to 80,000 pounds (40 tons). Given the weight of trailers, it is imperative that they are properly loaded and that all cargo is well-secured. Incorrectly loaded or secured cargo can cause trucks to be unbalanced or to shift weight suddenly. It could be a factor in causing a catastrophic semi-truck accident.
Injured in a Commercial Truck Accident in Miami?
We can help. At Pike & Lustig, LLP, our Miami semi-truck accident lawyers are skilled, experienced, aggressive and committed to fighting for justice for injured victims. If you or your loved one was hurt in any type of truck crash, our legal team is here to help. With offices in Miami and West Palm Beach, our firm handles semi-truck accident claims throughout Southeast Florida.