Tag Archives: West Palm Beach Business Dispute Lawyers

Florida Business Law: Resolving Deadlocked Disputes
Business disputes are a reality that all shareholders must acknowledge. Eventually, even the closest of business partners will disagree about some aspect of the company. When forming a business, it is imperative that partners and shareholders create a proper structure to resolve any potential disputes efficiently, without risking any long-term damage to the underlying… Read More »
What You Need to Know About Buying Out Your Business Partner
Eventually all business relationships come to an end. Businesses can break up for a wide variety of reasons; it may be that your business partner is retiring and leaving the field or it may simply be that you each have different visions for the future of the company. Regardless, when the time comes to… Read More »
Learning to Read Boilerplate
In a world where contracts and agreements can be stored electronically, more and more small business owners are having to deal with written contracts in their day to day dealings. In an ideal world, people would have the time and money to let lawyers look over every contract before they signed it, but that… Read More »
Surviving a Deposition as a Witness
Clients often benefit from taking an active role as a member of their own legal team, but depositions are an area that can force clients to take a particularly prominent position. Depositions are procedurally-authorized interviews that allow the lawyers to ask questions of the other side’s witnesses, including the other side’s client. These sorts… Read More »
Implicitly Waiving Contract Rights
American contract law has a complex relationship with formalities, such as signatures and notarization. One the one hand, people use these formalities all the time. When most people think of a contract, they think of a long legal document with a signature page at the end. These formalities are important because they are evidence… Read More »