Tag Archives: Miami Business Law Attorneys

The Florida Supreme Court is Set to Weigh in on the Legal Battle Over the Miami Beach Minimum Wage Law
In 2004, Florida voters went to polls and passed a state minimum wage increase, thereby setting the Florida minimum wage at a level that is higher than the federally mandated minimum wage. As of 2018, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, whereas Florida’s state level minimum wage is $8.25 — the highest… Read More »

Several South Florida Businesses Fined for Price Gouging During Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Irma hit South Florida hard back in the fall of 2017. According to reporting from the Miami Herald, the total damage caused by this storm was estimated at nearly $65 billion. Unfortunately, some businesses attempted to take advantage of this situation. On June 19th, WSVN 7News released the results of its investigation on… Read More »

Five Tips for First-Time Business Owners in South Florida
Starting a new business is exciting. You may be able to build something that can support your family and provide for your community for decades to come. Of course, building a new business can also be extremely challenging. To succeed in the business world, dedicated entrepreneurs must be ready to tackle these challenges. At… Read More »

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Four Important Contact Clauses
Businesses often need to protect their intellectual property, trade secrets, and unique commercial know-how. In some cases, employees or contractors are required to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). While NDAs can certainly be enforceable in Florida, courts are known to view these agreements with some suspicion. On a fundamental level, an NDA or confidentiality agreement… Read More »

What is a Joint Venture?
There may come a time when your company has an opportunity to collaborate with another firm in order to work together to achieve a common commercial goal. In these cases, companies often form ‘joint ventures’ in order to most effectively complete their business objectives. At Pike & Lustig, LLP, our Miami business law attorneys… Read More »

Four Things to Think About Before Going Into Business With Family
Many people go into business with their family members. In fact, according to data cited by the Family Firm Institute (FFI), approximately 50 percent of all U.S. companies are family businesses. On the one hand, running a family business is not much different than is running any other type business. The same basic rules… Read More »

Could an Email Be a Binding Contract?
When most people think of a contract, they are picturing something that requires hours or days of very careful negotiation, with people working hard to come up with precise language and terms. Yet, forming a contract is actually far easier than most people realize. In fact, you might even have formed a legally binding… Read More »