Tag Archives: Florida Trademark Attorney

Who Owns the 12th Man? Texas A&M Prevails Over Soap Company in Trademark Dispute
Most football fans have probably heard the term ‘12th man’ mentioned before during a broadcast. With 11 players on the field at any given time for each team, the 12th man is often used to refer to the crowd that can provide the home team with a little extra boost through its enthusiasm and… Read More »
Are “Disparaging’ Trademarks Allowed?
The Lanham Act is a federal statute that governs trademarks, service marks and other forms of unfair competition. Section 2(a) of the act forbids the registration of trademarks that are deemed to be ‘disparaging’. While that would seem to answer the question, recently that provision has come under fire for constitutional reasons. Late last… Read More »
When You Need Another Person’s Trademark: Fair Use in Trademark Law
Modern companies understand the importance of protecting their brand and reputation, and as such are often quick to dispatch a cease and desist letter as soon as they spot even a hint of potential trademark infringement. Consequently, many people are often hesitant to use someone else’s trademark, preferring to avoid the hassle of dealing… Read More »
Place Names and Trademarks
Trademark law, like all intellectual property law, has to be balanced to serve two competing goals. On the one hand, giving companies’ trademarks legal protections helps protect customers by making sure they are buying from the company that they think they are. On the other hand, giving too much power to the protection of… Read More »
Trademark Registration and its Effect on Litigation
A strong trademark can be a powerful tool for a company looking to expand its market share and build strong ties to its consumers. Trademarks allow consumers to instantly recognize a company and remember all the good, or bad, things they know about the company. From time to time, keeping a trademark strong may… Read More »