Tag Archives: Florida Arbitration Lawyers

What are the Benefits of Arbitration for a Business Law Dispute?
Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in which the parties agree to settle their case outside of a traditional courtroom. This is done by going before a private arbitrator, who will hear the dispute and issue a binding decision. Arbitration is used to resolve many different types of legal issues, including… Read More »

The Kardashians Have Their Motion to Compel Arbitration Denied
Beyond being TV stars, the Kardashian sisters (Kim, Kourtney and Khloe) are also involved in many business ventures. In 2013, they entered into a licensing agreement with a company called Boldface Licensing + Branding. Inc. The goal of the business arrangement was to develop a line of Kardashian branded makeup products called ‘Khroma’. However,… Read More »
How Does Arbitration Work?
Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that is used in many business law cases. In fact, many commercial contracts actually compel arbitration as the means to deal with any legal disputes. Arbitration is a private process that in many ways resembles a mini-version of a trial. It is also a notoriously… Read More »