Tag Archives: Arbitration and Mediation

The Kardashians Have Their Motion to Compel Arbitration Denied
Beyond being TV stars, the Kardashian sisters (Kim, Kourtney and Khloe) are also involved in many business ventures. In 2013, they entered into a licensing agreement with a company called Boldface Licensing + Branding. Inc. The goal of the business arrangement was to develop a line of Kardashian branded makeup products called ‘Khroma’. However,… Read More »
An Introduction to Arbitration
We often think about solving legal problems in terms of litigation. Most scenarios are played out in our minds, in mass media, and on our favorite television shows as ferocious litigious feats that involve days of hard fought trial motions and witness testimony. However, the reality is that most civil legal disputes are settled… Read More »
Understanding Arbitration and Mediation
Alternative dispute resolution is a trendy new phrase that is becoming more and more popular as companies start paying attention to the rising costs of litigation. The idea behind alternative dispute resolution is that parties can use methods besides litigation to settle their differences. Two of the most common methods of alternative dispute resolution… Read More »