Miami High Rise Condos the Subject of Construction Defect Lawsuit

The Vizcayne condo complex is made up of a pair of forty-nine story luxury buildings that overlook the Biscayne Bay. According to reporting from The Real Deal, this condo facility is once again the subject of litigation. Specifically, the condo’s southern tower has filed a lawsuit against more than a dozen different construction companies. The lawsuit alleges both breach of contract and negligence. This action comes on the heels of a previous lawsuit, which was filed by the complex’s north tower against the same construction firms in November of 2016. Additionally, a third construction defect lawsuit was settled last fall for more than $22.5 million.
The Lawsuits Follow a 2015 Structural Integrity Report
In 2015, the Vizcayne condo association hired a company to conduct a study of the structural integrity of the building. The firm was tasked with comparing how the buildings, which had been recently completed, stacked up against Florida’s state construction codes. According to the report filed by the company, both high rises had a number of different problems. Indeed the report found that the buildings had the following defects:
- Leaky windows;
- Corroded wall plaster;
- Cracked and damaged exterior concrete;
- Improper sloping on balconies, which did not allow rainwater to drain; and
- Issues with the building’s post tension support cables.
Many of these problems were very serious and they would threaten the long-term integrity of the buildings. As such, immediate repair was necessary. The construction defect lawsuit alleges that the problems are a direct result of negligent work product; the Vizcayne condo association is seeking compensation for the damages.
Time Limits for Construction Defect Claims
The state of Florida has a strict statute of limitations for all property damage claims. If you are seeking compensation for a construction defect, you need to act quickly. Construction defect claims must be brought within four years. The four year clock begins to run from the date that the problem was actually discovered or when it should have reasonably been discovered, whichever comes first. Additionally, there is a hard ten year limit to take action that begins from the date that the owner obtained possession of the property. Ultimately, if you or your business is dealing with this type of issues, you need to get your case in the hands of an experienced commercial litigation attorney as soon as possible. Do not lose out on your rights because of the statute of limitations. Constriction firms must be held financially accountable for their defective work product.
Contact Our Business Law Team Today
At Pike & Lustig, LLP, our construction litigation lawyers are standing by, ready to help your business recover fair compensation. We handle construction defect claims and all other types of commercial property disputes. For immediate assistance, please call our team today at 561-291-8298 to request a free review of your case. Our firm has an office in West Palm Beach and a second, brand new location in Miami from which we represent businesses throughout Southeastern Florida.