Miami Trademark Litigation Attorney
Even after a trademark has been established, a company needs to keep an eye out for similar marks that may weaken their own brand. At the law offices of Pike & Lustig, LLP, our Miami trademark litigation attorneys represent clients who are prosecuting and/or defending their trademarks. Our experience extends to litigating complex cases in federal courts within Florida. If you are concerned about another trademark conflicting with yours, contact an experienced trademark attorney to learn more about your rights under trademark law.
The Likelihood of Confusion Between Trademarks
Trademark applications will be denied if there is a likelihood that the potential trademark with be confused with another trademark that is already registered. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the way to determine likelihood of confusion is if the marks are similar and if the goods or services provided are also similar to each other. Similarities in marks include:
- Similar sounding names even if they are spelled differently;
- Similar appearance in the design of the logos;
- Same meaning in two different languages; and
- Similar design style, which leaves a customer with the same commercial impression.
Before a company applies for a trademark it is crucial that they check the USPTO database to see if there are any conflicting trademarks already registered. After your company has a trademark established it is wise to check for other companies whose mark could confuse customers or clients. These marks impact your business by weakening your brand. To make your trademark harder to copy and easier to defend in court, it is recommended you create a highly unique trademark. However, trademark infringement occurs even with strong brand logos. If your logo is at risk of being confused with another company’s mark, the attorneys of Pike & Lustig, LLP can help you protect it.
Trademark Law is Changing Rapidly, which Requires a Attorney that is Up to Date on all Trademark Matters
Over 200,000 trademarks are issued every year, according to the International Trademark Association. Not only that, but with the recent and ongoing advances and prevalence of use in internet marketing, trademark law is in an evolving and increasingly complex state of change. Because of this, it is critical that your attorney has knowledge of Google Adwords, branding, trademark and trade dress fields, advertising, and many other areas.
A Professional Miami Trademark Litigation Attorney is Here to Assist You in a Wide Variety of Ways
Whether you are prosecuting or defending a trademark, or you have questions about a trademark conflicting with your own, our experienced trademark litigation attorneys are a phone call away. Additionally, our firm partner Daniel Lustig holds an L.L.M. (Master of Laws) degree in Intellectual Property law, and has an advanced level of experience and knowledge when it comes to trademark disputes. Reach out to our Miami offices to set up a consultation at once. At Pike & Lustig, LLP we focus on a variety of complex federal trademark cases and will help you reach a successful resolution as soon as possible.